Index of values

all [Wlc.Output]
Get the list of outputs.
all_of_output [Wlc.View]
Get all the views of an output, in stacking order.

bring_above [Wlc.View]
Send above another view.
bring_to_front [Wlc.View]
Bring in front of everything.

close [Wlc.View]
Close a view.
contains [Wlc.Geometry]

dummy [Wlc.Interface]
A dummy interface, where each handler does nothing.

focus [Wlc.View]
Change the view focus.
focus [Wlc.Output]
Change the output focus.

get_app_id [Wlc.View]
Get the app id (xdg-surface only).
get_class [Wlc.View]
Get the view class (shell-surface only).
get_focused [Wlc.Output]
Get the currently focused output.
get_geometry [Wlc.View]
Get the current geometry.
get_mask [Wlc.View]
Get the list of spaces where this view appears.
get_mask [Wlc.Output]
Get the list of currently visible spaces for this output.
get_output [Wlc.View]
Get the current output for this view.
get_parent [Wlc.View]
Get the parent view, if any.
get_pixels [Wlc.Output]
Get the pixels of the screen region corresponding to the output.
get_resolution [Wlc.Output]
Get output resolution.
get_sleep [Wlc.Output]
Get sleep state.
get_state [Wlc.View]
Get the current state bitfield.
get_title [Wlc.View]
Get the view title.
get_type [Wlc.View]
Get the type bitfield.

id [Wlc.View]
Returns an integer identifier for this view.
id [Wlc.Output]
Returns an integer identifier for this output.
init [Wlc]
Initialize wlc.

log [Wlc]
Log a message.

max [Wlc.Geometry.Size]
max [Wlc.Geometry.Origin]
min [Wlc.Geometry.Size]
min [Wlc.Geometry.Origin]

run [Wlc]
Run the event loop.

send_below [Wlc.View]
Send below another view.
send_to_back [Wlc.View]
Send behind everything.
set_all_of_output [Wlc.View]
Set the views of an output, also stacking order.
set_app_id [Wlc.View]
Set the app id (xdg-surface only).
set_class [Wlc.View]
Set the view class (shell-surface only).
set_geometry [Wlc.View]
Set the geometry.
set_mask [Wlc.View]
Set the list of spaces where the view appears.
set_mask [Wlc.Output]
Set the currently visible spaces for this output.
set_output [Wlc.View]
Set the output for this view.
set_parent [Wlc.View]
Set the parent view.
set_resolution [Wlc.Output]
Set output resolution.
set_sleep [Wlc.Output]
Wake up / sleep.
set_state [Wlc.View]
Set a state bit.
set_title [Wlc.View]
Set the view title.
set_type [Wlc.View]
Set a type bit.

terminate [Wlc]
Terminate wlc.

zero [Wlc.Geometry.Size]
zero [Wlc.Geometry.Origin]