Module Wlc.Output

module Output: sig .. end

type t 
val id : t -> int64
Returns an integer identifier for this output.
val all : unit -> t list
Get the list of outputs.
val get_focused : unit -> t
Get the currently focused output.
val get_sleep : t -> bool
Get sleep state.
val set_sleep : t -> bool -> unit
Wake up / sleep.
val get_resolution : t -> Wlc.Geometry.Size.t
Get output resolution.
val set_resolution : t -> Wlc.Geometry.Size.t -> unit
Set output resolution.
val get_mask : t -> int list
Get the list of currently visible spaces for this output.

The current implementation of Wlc only handles 32 spaces per output.

val set_mask : t -> int list -> unit
Set the currently visible spaces for this output.
val get_pixels : t ->
((int, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array2.t ->
unit) ->
Get the pixels of the screen region corresponding to the output.
val focus : t option -> unit
Change the output focus.