Module Wlc

module Wlc: sig .. end
Bindings to the Wayland Compositor Library.

exception Failure
module Keysym: module type of struct include Wlc__keysym end
Translation of the header <xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h>.
type modifier = 
| Shift
| Caps
| Ctrl
| Alt
| Mod2
| Mod3
| Mod5
type led = 
| Led_Num
| Led_Caps
| Led_Scroll
type modifiers = {
   leds : led list;
   mods : modifier list;
type key_state = 
| Key_State_Released
| Key_State_Pressed
type button_state = 
| Button_State_Released
| Button_State_Pressed
type scroll_axis_bit = 
| Vertical
| Horizontal
type touch_type = 
| Touch_Down
| Touch_Up
| Touch_Motion
| Touch_Frame
| Touch_Cancel
module Geometry: sig .. end
module Output: sig .. end
module View: sig .. end
module Interface: sig .. end
val init : Interface.t -> unit
Initialize wlc. May raise Failure.
val terminate : unit -> unit
Terminate wlc.
val run : unit -> unit
Run the event loop.
val log : string -> unit
Log a message.