Module Wlc.View

module View: sig .. end

type state_bit = 
| Maximized
| Fullscreen
| Resizing
| Moving
| Activated
type state = state_bit list 
type type_bit = 
| Override_Redirect
| Unmanaged
| Splash
| Modal
| Popup
type typ = type_bit list 
type t 
val id : t -> int64
Returns an integer identifier for this view.
val all_of_output : Wlc.Output.t -> t list
Get all the views of an output, in stacking order.
val set_all_of_output : Wlc.Output.t -> t list -> bool
Set the views of an output, also stacking order. Useful to change the stack order or move many views at once.
val focus : t option -> unit
Change the view focus.
val close : t -> unit
Close a view.
val get_output : t -> Wlc.Output.t
Get the current output for this view.
val set_output : t -> Wlc.Output.t -> unit
Set the output for this view. Alternatively you can use Wlc.View.set_all_of_output.
val send_to_back : t -> unit
Send behind everything.
val send_below : t -> t -> unit
Send below another view.
val bring_above : t -> t -> unit
Send above another view.
val bring_to_front : t -> unit
Bring in front of everything.
val get_mask : t -> int list
Get the list of spaces where this view appears.

The current implementation of Wlc only handles 32 spaces per output.

val set_mask : t -> int list -> unit
Set the list of spaces where the view appears.
val get_geometry : t -> Wlc.Geometry.t
Get the current geometry.
val set_geometry : t -> Wlc.Geometry.t -> unit
Set the geometry.
val get_type : t -> typ
Get the type bitfield.
val set_type : t -> type_bit -> bool -> unit
Set a type bit. The boolean argument indicates whether it is set or not.
val get_state : t -> state
Get the current state bitfield.
val set_state : t -> state_bit -> bool -> unit
Set a state bit. The boolean argument idicates whether it is set or not.
val get_parent : t -> t option
Get the parent view, if any.
val set_parent : t -> t option -> unit
Set the parent view.
val get_title : t -> string
Get the view title.
val set_title : t -> string -> unit
Set the view title. May raise Failure.
val get_class : t -> string option
Get the view class (shell-surface only).
val set_class : t -> string option -> unit
Set the view class (shell-surface only). May raise Failure.
val get_app_id : t -> string option
Get the app id (xdg-surface only).
val set_app_id : t -> string option -> unit
Set the app id (xdg-surface only). May raise Failure.